Does the thought of tooth extraction literally put your teeth on edge? Not to worry. You’re in excellent hands with us.
And you can manage your fears through a few simple truths:
- We are gentle and soothing, almost ridiculously so.
- We use powerhouse local anesthesia.
- We let you watch whatever you want on TV.
- We replace the extracted tooth as needed.
In other words, trust us to see you through your tooth extraction in Winter Springs, FL.
Reasons You Might Need a Tooth Extraction
Your dentist recommends tooth extractions for various reasons. Also, patients sometimes choose extraction over treatment, which we don’t recommend.
Reasons you might need a dental extraction include:
- Severely Damaged Tooth: We try to save damaged, decayed, and broken teeth, but sometimes the trauma is too extensive. In this case, we extract, but then we discuss tooth replacement.
- Overcrowded Teeth: Your dentist may recommend extraction for overcrowding, especially if you’re considering orthodontics.
- Wisdom Tooth Removal: Wisdom teeth arrive late and don’t always erupt correctly, which puts your oral health and comfort at risk. We extract troublesome wisdom teeth, but in some cases, we may refer you to a trusted but gentle oral surgeon.
- Advanced Gum Disease: Untreated gum disease recedes the gums, leading to loose teeth. In severe cases, we recommend extraction followed by comprehensive periodontal treatment to prevent further oral and physical health complications.
The Extraction Process
After assessing your tooth, we schedule your extraction. Before starting, we ensure the area around the tooth is thoroughly numb. Then, we use image-guided technology for straightforward treatment.
After extraction, you may notice mild swelling and soreness for a few days, but these symptoms do not last long. For prompt healing, simply follow the aftercare instructions provided by your Winter Springs dentist.
Schedule Your Next Dental Appointment Today
If you have a damaged tooth or notice that your wisdom teeth have partially erupted, contact our dental office at (407) 696-6700 to book a consultation with the dentist. You can also schedule online 24/7.