It’s not discussed frequently enough just how important a part of routine dental exams regular screenings for various oral cancers are. Regular screenings are crucial for early detection and increased chances of successful treatment of oral cancers.
It is generally recommended that individuals undergo oral cancer screenings at least once a year, though more frequent screenings are recommended for higher-risk individuals like smokers, users of smokeless tobacco products, heavy alcohol drinkers, and those who have either previously had oral cancer or have a family history of the disease.
Regular dental check-ups offer an excellent opportunity for oral cancer screenings, as they provide a dentist with a chance to fully examine a patient’s mouth, gums, and throat for any potential warning signs. However, if in between routine check-ups a person begins experiencing symptoms like persistent mouth sores, difficulty swallowing, and changes in oral tissues immediate evaluation from a dental professional is highly recommended.
Oral Cancer Screenings in Winter Springs, FL
If you are looking for a dentist in Winter Springs who will help you take every preventive measure against oral cancer, contact dentist Dr. Christopher Young and the teams at both Advanced Dental Care locations to schedule a consultation.