When the dentist removes a tooth, a blood clot forms in the socket where the tooth was. A dry socket is when the blood clot doesn't form or dislodges, exposing nerves and bone. Not only is dry socket painful, but it also delays the healing process.
Tooth Extraction Recovery
The initial recovery from a tooth extraction takes about a week. After an extraction, it's normal to have slight bleeding from the surgical site, mild jaw stiffness, and some discomfort. Your dentist will give you instructions on proper aftercare for optimal healing.
Warning Signs of Dry Socket
Dry socket symptoms include:
- Pain in the mouth and face
- Tenderness
- Foul taste in the mouth
- Bad breath
A dry socket typically lasts about a week. To avoid this painful condition, follow your dentist's instructions and avoid smoking and drinking with straws.
Treating Dry Socket
A dry socket normally heals independently, but most people see their dentist for pain relief and antibiotics. To treat dry sockets, your dentist might:
- Rinse and clean your mouth with salt water.
- Place medicated gauze in the socket, which helps ease the pain.
- Recommend anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers or offer antibiotics.
- Apply ice to reduce pain and discomfort
- Offer instructions for keeping the surgical site clean.
Tooth Extractions in Winter Springs, FL
Advanced Dental Care provides gentle tooth extractions in Winter Springs, FL. Call us today to schedule your oral health evaluation and learn more about our tooth extraction process.